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20th General Assembly

Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs

'Living Together Within Nature  on a Path to Peace'
September 2-6, 2019 - Tozanso, Japan

With immense pleasure, APAY invites the YMCA leaders of our region to the 20th General Assembly of APAY, scheduled to be held during 2 – 6 September 2019 at YMCA International Youth Center, Tozanso, Japan. About four hundred YMCA leaders are expected to participate at the greatest YMCA fellowship of our Asia-Pacific region. Likewise, the 4rth Youth Assembly will be held during 31 August – 2 September 2019 at Tokyo Olympic Memorial Center, Tokyo.



The theme of the 20th General Assembly has been decided as “Living Together Within Nature on a Path to Peace”. We, as stewards of God’s creation, are to ensure the sustainability of our future. We, therefore, are called to live in harmony with nature, and not only take every step in our behavioural patterns but also launch collective actions as a faith-based social movement to protect the mother earth including combatting imminent climate change.

Similarly, we are also called upon to strive, with all our efforts, to build Lasting peace with justice in our region as well as in the world at large by committing ourselves as peace-makers and reconcilers amidst growing inter-religious tensions and injustices in our region and beyond. Let us join at the Assembly and unite in our minds and spirits for working to set up the path towards genuine peace and sustainability.



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